Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Last night Bobby & I went to another bereavement meeting. Our leader asked us to try to write 3 things we are thankful for for 30 days. Wow.

I thought I would begin my first day by sharing what I am thankful for today.

1. My family
2. All of the wonderful and strong women I have met because of Hannah
3. A homemade dinner that was frozen so all I have to do is heat it up while snuggling my son!

I am still trying to find my way along this path but by the grace of God I am surviving. He has given me the strength I need to face each day without my daughter. He has laid it on my heart to educate and provide comfort. It is healing on so many levels. Three more memory boxes and binders went out today!

1 comment:

  1. The Lord will continue to give you the strength you need. I am sure many people are thankful for you and the things you are doing for others. I know I am.
